Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cold Weather And A Cold Case Mystery

bI don't understand it. I spent a good portion of my youth in upstate New York. I shoveled feet and feet of snow and sat in my parents car for 30 minutes to warm it up and carried my shoes in a plastic bag to school so I could walk to school in my boots. I should be used to the cold!

But I moved to south, south Alabama as a teenager and now I can't stand cold weather. Most of my friends live north of me and are experiencing it worse than us, but it is still darn cold here. So cold that I refuse to do things I normally do to avoid it. I will do my running this afternoon because I refuse to be outside in that weather. Yesterday Alli was resistent to her walk and I thought, "I don't want to be out here either" so we went back inside. This is precisely the reason I despise winter. You get sick, your nose runs, your feet are frozen...yuck.

One good thing about winter though is that it is the perfect reason to stay inside with a book. One of the things I want to use this blog for is to record the books I read during the year. I just finished The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. I have been reccommended this book by lots of people, most notably my mom and my friends Penny and Alice. Everyone was reading it at the library when I worked there. I wanted to see what the fuss was about...

It was actually a pretty good book. It is definitely not my favorite but it did keep me guessing and reading. What was interesting to me was that the big reveal was about 100 pages from the end. It caught me by surprise which was cool because usually you know that when you get close to the end you'll get the answers. But this way you are kind shocked like the characters. But also after that I just wanted to the book to over with. So it's good and bad. Yesterday, they revealed some pics of Lisbeth Salander from the American version of the film that comes out in December. Rooney Mara is playing her, and I must say she does look the part:

I have put the Swedish version on my Netflix and will probably see the film when it comes out and will probably read the sequels someday. It is definitely something I would suggest, especially if you like mysteries and thrillers. Stay warm everyone!

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