Sunday, January 30, 2011

Coffee And Chicken Coop To Go Please...

I've never really considered myself a country gal. But I haven't thought of myself as urban either. I'm somewhere in between...possibly a suburbanite but I still don't think that fits either. When Michael and I started to think about buying a house(we still are but hey, you can't beat a free house) I said we would live in the suburbs with a nice big fenced in yard. Michael wanted something more rural. I didn't know if I could do it.

Now that I am here and we live so rurally there are still some annoying things about it but there are some wonderful qualities as well. There's beautiful scenery and lots of space for our dogs to play and run around and lots of privacy. It's nice to get up in the morning and have my breakfast and look out on the rolling hills. Country living can be very charming!

Lately I have been fantasizing about maybe having both. Have a rural house that is close enough to a city(less than an hour) where we can have nice shopping and entertainment and cool restaurants. That would be my ideal.

I was reminded of this when I was watching this new show on the Cooking Channel called Extra Virgin with actress Debi Mazar and her Tuscan husband Gabriele Corcos. She is a New York gal with a husband that cooks rustic Italian food like spinach, goat cheese gnocchi(yum!). They live in Los Angeles but have a quaint little house and two little girls who help them cook in the kitchen. The last episode they bought chickens so Gabriele could have fresh eggs to cook with. They set up a coop in the backyard in Los Angeles! Michael has always said he wanted some chickens someday and I am starting to fantasize about it. I can have chickens and a lovely garden and fields for Alli and Gumbo to run in and still be close enough to Starbucks. Why not? If Debi and Gabriele can do it, so can I!


  1. i really really want to keep chickens, too. I gather the eggs from the chickens at the Park and they are so much better than store bought. plus, the chickens are really cool animals.

  2. I knew I'd rub off on you somehow Mary! You should defnitely keep some chickens...
