Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Muffins and Magical Realism

I made some delicious strawberry cheesecake muffins last night. Yes they were from a mix, but gosh they were really good. I've discovered that I really enjoy baking, especially since Michael likes to cook. It's convenient--he makes the meals and I make desserts. I've started a file on my computer for recipes for things. The maintenance man at Michael's work's wife gave him a whole bag full of recipes when we got married. She's been saving them for years. I've been going through it, setting aside the ones I think look good. I haven't put them in yet and I haven't tried any but I'm sure I will blog about them when I do try them. I have a feeling Peanut Butter Pie will be in my future....

I also finished a book last night by Sarah Addison Allen. She is a North Carolina author who lives in Asheville and writes magicl realism books. I read her first book, Garden Spells, for my old book club. I thought it was fantastic and immediately read her second book, The Sugar Queen. The Girl Who Chased The Moon, is her third and the one I just finished.  I like certain authors but I can usually pick out my favorite of their books. With her books, it's hard for me. I think that says something. She has a new book, The Peach Keeper, coming out March 22. I definitely can't wait!

Her books are light and fun and beautiful. Yes, beautiful. I can't describe it properly but her words to me just paints a picture that is so pretty. She always uses female characters, and there is always at least one character who bakes and cooks (this inspires me to bake as well). I also really enjoy the magical touches like giants, apple trees that allow you to glimpse your future, wallpaper that changes on its own, a girl who attracts books and finds them everywhere and many others. Plus it is set in North Carolina and reminds me of where I used to live. It just makes me happy!! I recommend them to anyone!!


  1. Did I read that book in book club? Because I read it last summer when Robert's mother gave it to me, and I thought it was familiar, but then I figured it was because it was a lot like Alice Hoffman's Pratical Magic (Have you read that? SO GOOD.)

  2. Thanks for the recommendation. I read Garden Spells this fall and thought it was very charming. I didn't think to look for other books by the same author as I quickly got taken in by the Hunger Games series. So good you should add that to your list if you haven't read it. Well, off to consult the catalog.
